«Really pissed off» [Rui Faustino versus Babbel]


De: Babbel Support support@babbel.zendesk.com
Data: 7 de Agosto de 2014 às 13:31:35 CEST
Para: Rui Faustino
Assunto: Re: Language course
Responder-Para: Babbel Support

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Ticket #1263488 – Language course

Cameron Banks, 07 Aug 13:31:
Hello Rui,

Thank you for your reply and further feedback. I’m sorry to hear that you do not agree with our language classifications.

Your feedback has been duly noted. We always appreciate hearing the opinions of our users and keep these in mind when making changes and improvements to Babbel.

Kind Regards,
Babbel Customer Service

Rui Faustino, 07 Aug 12:06:
Dear sirs,

Thank you for your answer.
Portuguese is an universal language. An idiom should be taught based on what it is, de facto, and not on regional accents. Again, I realize that your argument is based on pure populism and ignorance. One would not teach Texas English because if, than both teacher and school would just be exposed to the utmost academical ridiculous.

With best regards,

Rui Faustino

No dia 07/08/2014, às 11:35, Babbel Support escreveu:

Cameron Banks, 07 Aug 11:35:
Hello Rui,

Thank you for your message and your interest in our languages. We always use the flag of the country our courses are based on when representing the courses.

For example, the Portuguese offered on Babbel is based on Brazilian Portuguese, not European Portuguese. This is why the Brazilian flag is used.

Conversely, the Spanish featured on Babbel is based on European Spanish, nit Mexican Spanish. It is for this reason we use the Spanish flag.

We use these flags to give users a quick visual reference as to what version of each language is offered on Babbel.

I hope this helps to clear up any confusion around this mater.

Kind Regards,
Babbel Customer Service

Rui Faustino, 04 Aug 12:21:
Dear sirs,

I’ve just visited your website and noticed that the flags attributed to the different idioms are wrong. For some reason you don’t have the USA flag there referring to the English language, nor the Mexican flag referring to Spanish, the Haiti flag referring to French or the Austrian flag referring to the German language.
My question is: are you an absolute ignorant about geography matters or do you just enjoy spreading ignorance?
Don’t you think that you should be up to the responsibility taken by you to work as a school and teach properly, populism aside?

Really pissed off,

Rui Faustino

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Link permanente para este artigo: https://ilcao.com/2014/08/07/really-pissed-off-rui-faustino-versus-babbel/

2 comentários

    • Jorge Teixeira on 8 Agosto, 2014 at 19:14
    • Responder

    Este tipo de respostas é a variante educada do “pense o que quiser, não me chateie”.
    Por outro lado, se o site exibisse a bandeira portuguesa e depois ensinasse a escrever coisas como “Gostaria de parabenizar a todos por esse trabalho lindo” seria uma fraude porque ninguém em Portugal faz frases destas.

    • Jorge Pacheco de Oliveira on 9 Agosto, 2014 at 7:13
    • Responder

    Estas desconsiderações não são mais do que o resultado da falta de dignidade revelada pelas autoridades portuguesas nas relações externas.

    Sempre a curvarem-se perante os poderosos, sempre a pedincharem empréstimos e favores, sempre a cederem – de que são exemplos recentes o aborto ortográfico e a entrada da Guiné Equatorial na CPLP – dão uma imagem miserável do país e encorajam as faltas de respeito por parte de quaisquer parvalhões, como é o caso destes ignorantes da Babbel.

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